Words from a Heretic

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

One week to go...

I've always been a sucker for dates and celebrations. I remember almost all the important events that happened in my life. And now, another one is fast approaching.
I believe that the reason we have birthdays is because we need a time once a year to "review" what we have done so far in our lives and at the same time plan for the future.
So hows my life been so far? I'm still a statistic (or should that be statistics?). In laymans terms, that's jobless. I'm a freakin newly grad and jobless 26 year old. Before I get into a "sulky" mood, I think I'll just look at the significant years (if you can call it that) of my life and see what has happened to me so far.
12 years old - graduated valedictorian from my beloved garde school alma mater
- won the city's whiz kids tilt
- enrolled in a very good high school
16 years old - passed and enrolled in a cool university
- joined a great fraternity
17 years old - joined a political organization
- had my "worse" sem (12 units had a grade of 5.0 and 6 units had 3.0)
19 years old - had my worst sem ( ZERO units passed but still managed to stay in school, hah! beat that!)
- had my first girlfriend (we would last around 4-5 years)
23 years old - decided to go back to the province to finish my studies
24 years old - had my second girlfriend (would last for about 1 year and 11 months)
26 years old - graduated (at last)
- meet someone whom i thought i would never meet
Thats about it. I think.
So what are my plans for the future??? Hmmmm. Here's a list so far of what I have in mind...
1) Finish my damn clearance so i can get my TOR
2) Finally decide if to continue with my tutorial in Tambo
3) Get a job by October or November
4) Take care of my "new" little sister
5) Quit smoking (eventually)
6) Visit the Great Wall of China
7) See France in a hot air balloon
I guess thats it for now... doesn't make sense now does it?


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