Sandara Perks
Of all the contestants of SCQ, none is more hated than Sandara Parks. It was because they were afraid that she would win it. So what then? Well, most people were rooting for Hero since, so they say, has more talent than Sandara. Had I been hooked on that show, I would have rooted for her. Why? I've always prefered the underdog.
Yet of all the contestants, finalists even, none is more remembered than Sandara Parks. I mean, who could ever evade that "Mahal ko kayo" thing with the matching wave.
Why am I even talking about her? Well, I remembered an article recently about the finalists. And in Sandara's part, it turns out that her ambition is to be a cast of a certain sitcom (i forgot which one). Also, it seems that she doesn't have any plans of going to college and getting a degree.
I know that she is not a pure Filipino, so to speak. But still, her being on TV and in the limelight poses a lot of questions. Aren't we afraid of her becoming a role model for the youth today? For one, she represents what most people in the D-E level. To have instant fame. Thus being able to support one's family.
It is no wonder that the Philippines is having a hard time progressing. With a mentality like this, it would be very impossible. At present, ,the Philippines is caught in some sort of paradox. If this were a sci-fi movie, it could be called a wormhole. Or an anomaly in the space-time continuum.
How so? Here goes...
Majority of Filipinos today want to work abroad. To seek out "greener pastures", so to speak. Why do they want to work abroad? Because there are few job opportunities here. Why? Because most multi-national companies are not willing to risk their invesments here. And those already in the Philippines are moving to other countries.
Again, why? Because they want to see first if our economy stabilizes. As well as the government bureaucracy. Now in order for this to happen, there must be job oppurtunities especially for those who are really skilled. But the government is currently going about on its "austerity" measures. Thus, a streamlining is likely to occur resulting in fewer jobs. So Filipinos go abroad to work. Which brings us back to the first question.
See what I mean? I call it the SANDARA ANOMALY.
Any ideas on how to solve it?
Here is a perspective to take, the "GREEDY BUSINESSMAN" perspective...
Sandara has the hearts of the masses, has the traits that can easily be moulded, manipulated and used to make me more money... She may not have much talent, but what she has is alot of fans and potential (for me to make money out of...). I'll go with Sandara Parks if she can get me more money...
Scare Crow, at 10:42 PM, October 29, 2004
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